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Benton, Lois - 1972
Transferred to Chapter MS/IA as of 04/2018
Walnut Ridge Clive, Apt 2428
1701 Campus Drive, Clive IA 50325
(515) 221-4505

Bentz, Kim (Michael) - 2004
Inactive as of 02/2023

Cray, Debbie (Nick) - 2011
Inactive as of 02/2022

Hertel, Nancy (Gary) - 1983
Transferred to Chapter BP/OR as of 01/2024

Jackopin, Tamara (Jeff) - 2017
Inactive as 02/2022

Kussow, Carol - 2014
Inactive as 02/2024

Olson, Mary Jo (Phil) - 2017
Transferred to Chapter O/WI as of 2023

Pederson, Julie (Paul) - 1993
Transferred to Chapter CH/MO as of 2017
Rakel, Denise (David) - 2014
Inactive as 02/2017

Seay, Wendy (____) - ______
Transferred to Chapter __/__ as of __/____
3800 Dick Woods Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(H) 434-698-2315; (C) 434-244-0955

Smithback, Ellen (Gary) - 1989
Inactive as 02/2021

Storm, Patty (Kristian) - 1976
Transferred to Chapter AH/MN as of 2009

Villa, Elena - 2011
Inactive as 02/2015
3231 Lake Mendota Dr, Madison 53705
608-204-0699 or 608-698-4491
Email Address:

Villa, Jane - 2019
Inactive as 02/2016
3231 Lake Mendota Dr, Madison 53705
608-204-0699 or 608-698-4491
Email Address:
Widder, Nancy (Tripp) - 2010
Transferred to Chapter DH/WI as of 10/2017
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